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Building a Resilient Agriculture Sector

Building Resilience of the Agriculture and Fisheries Sectors to Climate-Related Impacts Activities:​

  • Demarcate the country into agro-ecological zones and encourage, through fiscal incentives and technical support, the production of crops that are best suited to these zones.

  • Increase utilization of hazard-tolerant crops and breeds of livestock to drought, flood and pests.

  • Undertake an inventory of plant and animal genetic material resources for food and agriculture, and conserve genetic resources through development of land banks and other appropriate methods.

  • Develop and implement a Food and Nutrition Security component in the National Early Warning System to address economic and natural shocks.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of selected water management, soil conservation and improvement technologies/practices in improving hazard risk reduction and agricultural productivity. Develop and implement a strategy for wide adoption and replication of proven best practices.

  • Enhance capacities for livestock biosecurity systems at the national, regional and farm levels.

  • Elaborate an integrated management plan to address invasive alien species.

  • Encourage the adoption of farming practices that are sustainable, environmentally friendly, reduce the potential for pollution, use renewable energy and energy efficiency systems, harvest and use rainwater, manage soil resources effectively, and benefit the communities in which they are located.

  • Encourage the re-establishment of aquaculture ponds inland, away from rivers to increase their resilience to high rainfall events.

  • Geo-locate fish aggregating devices to help in locating them.

  • Develop protocols for the safe shelter of fishing boats during a storm and educate fishers on safe practices before and during a storm.

Integrated Financial Risk Transfer Package for Agriculture and Fisheries Activities​

  • Develop an Agriculture Disaster Risk Management Plan.

  • Develop a Hurricane Preparedness Response Plan.

  • Establish a contingency fund for responding to emergency situations.

  • Develop and implement a contingency fund to be managed by farmer and fisherfolk cooperatives.

  • Explore options for hurricane insurance for the fishing and farming communities in collaboration with appropriate support agencies and private financial institutions.

  • Partner with financial institutions to:

    • Promote a culture of saving during good times;

    • Establish a revolving emergency fund to enable crop and livestock producers, fishers and agro-processors to access low interest credit for restoration of production and sustainable livelihoods after a disaster.

Adoption of Climate-Friendly Sustainable Agricultural Practices Activities:​

  • Promote mulching and composting to reduce water loss from evapotranspiration, lessen soil loss, minimize runoff and soften the impact of rain on the soil.

  • Promote intercropping and the use of wind breaks to reduce the impact of strong winds on planted crops.

  • Reduce tillage of soils as a means of reducing the impact of heavy rains and droughts.

  • Use biochar together with pen manure to help increase the organic content of soils, increase the nutrient profile, and promote greater moisture retention, making the soils more resilient to droughts.

  • Use drain design to improve water management, particularly on hillside lots, where gravity can be used to facilitate irrigation.

Improved Food and Nutrition Security and Diversified Livelihoods, particularly in Communities-at-Risk Activities​

  • Conduct a comprehensive national agricultural census to obtain detailed information on the state of agriculture, fisheries and food production in Saint Lucia.

  • Review the National Agricultural Policy to ensure its consistency with the objectives of climate-smart agriculture.

  • Invest in the development of value-added agriculture products to supply the local and export markets, as part of a larger plan to stimulate development of diversified livelihoods and entrepreneurial activities.

  • Explore, promote and utilize climate smart methods of food production and preservation systems to increase resilience to extreme events.

  • Construct food storage facilities to extend the supply of high value commodities and also to ensure food security after an extreme weather event.

  • Develop an export-based vibrant nutraceuticals sector, based on the production of essential oils, derivatives of medicinal plants and other natural products with health benefits.

Expanded Markets for Agricultural Produce Activities:​

  • Grow, process and market a new range of nutraceutical products.

  • Leverage the Government’s shareholding in Winfresh to export nutraceutical products and other agricultural commodities to the major supermarket chains in the United Kingdom.

  • Explore the production of certified organic produce

  • Engage youth, women and men in their differentiated interests and market engagement for niche markets


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